1.0.13 / November 29, 2016
(4.0/5) (20)


誰でも気軽に楽しめる放置系のタップ RPG[騎士物語]登場!





公式Twitter のアカウント:@Tap_Knights

Anyone left system tapRPG that feel free to enjoy [the Knights] appeared!
Even if you exit the game continue to fight knights? Coin isarbitrarily accumulate while sleeping!
It can be operated with one finger, ultra-exhilarating action fullof sense of speed, let's quickly experience!
[Game introduction]

▼ Story
For thousands of years, without having to disappear desire ofhumanity, full Grand continent also did not come when the ceasewar. Countless king will unify the continent, I dreamed to take theworld. However, it the people that can be realized was less, amongthem, the king of most of the influential person is Seisasu empire,was Kaburia-Seisasu. He has expanded the forces in the war of a fewyears, got 85% of the full Grand continent, everyone believed thathe is to unify the world.
Unfortunately, history and fate is always wrapped in surprise.Kaburia After ceded to suddenly son the seat of the king, it wasmissing. Then, for the first time the moon day that appeared two,changes in the "Forest of Kratky" of the continent east began tooccur, like the door of a different world has been opened in somemysterious force. Then, not even monsters that you have seen hereand there in the continent has been a large amount appeared. Theunprecedented crisis was looming in full ground continent.
Troubled times visited, when you are suffering from is people,there was a boy who holds the sword trying to save the world. Forceis still weak, the boy to have a strong will than anyone, hisfriends have gathered. Become a hero for trying to save the fullGrand continent, more and more strongly become mercenaries andcreate a "Knights", get out on a journey of monsters subdue!

▼ strongest of the equipment system
Rare equipment attributes different all, it is completely equippedwith the same attribute Absolutely not! Unusual SSR equipment ismade in the design view, and further, there is up to a dedicatedweapon to mercenary 其 people, get plenty strongly by acombination!

▼ character development system
Personality full of mercenary a total of 17 people become a fellow,it can be nurturing.其 people different mercenaries who attributesand different are able to have the skills create the strongest ofthe Knights with you!

▼ super speed combat system
Possible divergence to stress in the battle of the super-speedopening the finger! Defeat the monsters and pounding tap, challengethe Boss, to reach to further heights!

▼ comfortably play left game
There is no need to spend a lot of time in the game! Hero andmercenaries will continue to fight without rest even after the endof the game. Standing time is up to 12 hours, and again registeredin the game, equipped with a large amount of coins into thehands!
The official Twitter account: @Tap_Knights

информация о приложении [騎士物語]タップRPG

  • Имя приложения
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    November 29, 2016
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
    The Kumamoto
  • Количество установок
    10,000 - 50,000
  • Цена
  • Категория
    Role Playing
  • Разработчик
    Email chaoyuehudong@163.com Privacy Policy
    Room 110,Building 4,Zhixueyuan Community,Shangdi Xierqi Street,Haiding District,Beijing City
  • Google Play Link

The Kumamoto Ещё...

鬥神之塔 2.9 APK
The Kumamoto
以下是這次小更新內容!『修復用戶因部份操作導致的回溯問題!』===========================『修復吸血鬼獵人技能數值錯誤的BUG』===========================~~~~~~~~~~~~~以下是說明書~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~一。【本產品無法綁定帳號!如想儲值的朋友,請小心使用,請勿隨意拍打餵食!】~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~二。【本產品並未投保『意外傷害險』,使用後若覺得〔手指痠痛〕,請稍作休息十分鐘再繼續】~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~三。【指甲過長或者偏愛指甲美容(水晶指甲)的使用者,請謹慎使用本產品】~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~四。【 我們認為使用者在使用本產品時保有一定程度的『想像力』可以增進產品的效率】~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~五. 【要提醒使用者使用本產品化身的角色,其實是您的『仇人』、『上司』或『我們』】~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~六.【當您長期使用本產品後發現手機中央有個洞,別懷疑,您已練成一陽指,但請別拿3310測試!】~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~七.【我們是善良守序的人民,我們不準許你們拿刀出去亂砍,但準許你們用手指戳你的敵人】~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~八.【英國研究發現,每天動動你的手指有助於降低手指脂肪】~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~九.【本產品若發現有許多似曾相識的內容,全部都是幻覺】~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~十.【本產品有加入些許與本產品毫不相關的廣告,如您願意花一點小小小時間點擊,讓我們能有些微薄的收入,我們會努力讓遊戲變得更好,如真的很不想看影片,請伸出你的小手點取消】~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~十一.【我們是個願意散播歡樂散播愛的小團隊,如果你有什麼問題或見解可以寄信到我們的『沒有』,我們都很樂意為您協助,但請友善的對待我們,還有下面有個需要星星的地方,可以的話幫留點什麼給我們吧~】超越互動關心您也感謝您。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~【很多貼心的朋友反應廣告不能看的問題,這一切都是XXX的陰謀哦!所以同一隻手機連續開太多廣告是會被擋住一陣子的哦!如果造成困擾,在這裡向您說聲抱歉哦!】~~~~~~~~~~~~~以上貼心小建議~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~你說我們沒有介紹遊戲內容?這小小的窗格放不下我們的遊戲內容的,所以請您點擊一下安裝~我們就給你內容(同事A:總監現在在你背後,他非常火)《鬥神之塔》沒有:superplayertogo@gmail.com《鬥神之塔》宣傳影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zosWw--VcI我們有討論版嘍:http://forum.gamer.com.tw/B.php?bsn=28671這邊有禮包發放哦~連結在下面!快去領!!小編有沒有很貼心~~~~領完就沒了哦!禮包1http://www.980apk.com/index.php?m=content&c=index&a=show&catid=14&id=1180#.VaOOpl-qpBe禮包2http://fahao.mofang.com.tw/libao/2826.htmlhttp://www.176app.com/html/gift/android/350.html
Monster Killer-Speed is Power 1.0.2 APK
The Kumamoto
☞Gathered all your strength crash the BOSS☜1. Warning!Warning! The extra dimensional has been attackedbynumerous monsters suddenly.2. Heros, put your fingers up. Let's attack!3. Return to the original attack condition.4. Combo plus, make you cannot refrain from continuing.5. Fighting, is deep into your life.Games of feature☞ Crash the evil boss and get the treasure, increase yourfightingcapacity.☞ Work with the mercenary, fit out then make then stronger.☞ Explored the mysterious area to earn the powerful weapons.☞ Use your perfact skills to create the high disservice.☞ Transformed your heros into a better state.☞ Muscular pains? Hang up system always got your back.☞ Free gifts non stop.☞ Create your own weapons, no one can compares to you.
放置ヒーロー伝説—放置系タップRPG 1.0.20 APK
The Kumamoto
誰でも気軽に楽しめる放置系のアクションRPG「タップ騎士団」登場!ゲームを終了しても騎士たちは戦い続ける?寝ながらコインが勝手に貯められる!指一本で操作できる、スピード感の溢れる超爽快なアクション、はやく体験してみよう!-----------------------------------【ゲーム紹介】▼ストーリー数千年の間、人類の欲望は消えることなく、フルグランド大陸もまた戦争が止むとこなかった。無数の王様は大陸を統一し、天下を取ることを夢見た。しかし、それを実現できる人は少なかった、そのなかで、一番の実力者がセイサス帝国の王様、カブリア・セイサスだった。彼は数年の戦争で勢力を拡大し、フルグランド大陸の85%を手に入れた、皆彼が世界を統一することを信じていた。残念ながら、歴史と運命はいつも意外性に包まれる。カブリアは突然王の座を息子に譲った後、行方不明になった。その後、初めて月が二つ現れた日、大陸東の「暗月の森」に変化が発生し始めた、何らかの神秘な力で異世界の扉が開かれたみたい。それから、大陸のあちこちで見たこともない魔物が大量に現れた。フルグランド大陸に前代未聞の危機が迫ってきた。乱世が訪れ、人々が苦しんでいる時に、世界を救おうと剣を握った少年がいた。力はまだ弱いが、誰よりも強い意志を持っている少年に、仲間たちが集まってきた。フルグランド大陸を救おうとするヒーローになって、どんどん強くなる傭兵たちと「騎士団」を創り、魔物討伐の旅に出よう!▼最強の装備システムレア装備の属性は全部違う、全く同じ属性の装備は絶対ない!珍しいSSR装備が設計図で作られる、さらに、傭兵其々に専用武器まであり、組み合わせによっていくらでも強くなれる!▼キャラ育成システム全部で17名の個性溢れる傭兵が仲間になり、育成できる。其々違う属性と違うスキルを持ている傭兵たちがあなたと一緒に最強の騎士団を創る!▼超スピードの戦闘システム指を開放した超スピードの戦いでストレスまで発散できる!ガンガンタップして魔物を倒し、Bossに挑み、更なる高みへ到達する!▼気楽に遊べる放置ゲームゲームに時間をたくさん使う必要はない!ヒーローと傭兵たちはゲーム終了後も休まず戦い続ける。放置時間は最高12時間まで、再びゲームに登録すると、大量のコインと装備が手に入る!-----------------------------------公式Twitter のアカウント:@Tap_Knights
Tap Knights 1.1.0 APK
The Kumamoto
A monster invasion has pushed the world tothebrink of destruction. Luckily, legendary heroes are on theirway,with the power to save the world at your fingertips. This istheclimax of our battle – gather your army, strengthen your hero,andchallenge the bosses in addictive, fast-paced battles. Can youtapfast enough to save the world?Tips:Even after the game is closed, an idle rewards system willcontinueallowing mercenaries to collect gold and equipment for thenext 12hours.
Tap Heroes—TapTapTapGo! 1.0.36 APK
The Kumamoto
☞Gathered all your strength crash the BOSS☜1. Warning!Warning! The extra dimensional has been attackedbynumerous monsters suddenly.2. Heros, put your fingers up. Let's attack!3. Return to the original attack condition.4. Combo plus, make you cannot refrain from continuing.5. Fighting, is deep into your life.Games of feature☞ Crash the evil boss and get the treasure, increase yourfightingcapacity.☞ Work with the mercenary, fit out then make then stronger.☞ Explored the mysterious area to earn the powerful weapons.☞ Use your perfact skills to create the high disservice.☞ Transformed your heros into a better state.☞ Muscular pains? Hang up system always got your back.☞ Free gifts non stop.☞ Create your own weapons, no one can compares to you.
[騎士物語]タップRPG 1.0.13 APK
The Kumamoto
誰でも気軽に楽しめる放置系のタップ RPG[騎士物語]登場!ゲームを終了しても騎士たちは戦い続ける?寝ながらコインが勝手に貯められる!指一本で操作できる、スピード感の溢れる超爽快なアクション、はやく体験してみよう!-----------------------------------【ゲーム紹介】▼ストーリー数千年の間、人類の欲望は消えることなく、フルグランド大陸もまた戦争が止むとこなかった。無数の王様は大陸を統一し、天下を取ることを夢見た。しかし、それを実現できる人は少なかった、そのなかで、一番の実力者がセイサス帝国の王様、カブリア・セイサスだった。彼は数年の戦争で勢力を拡大し、フルグランド大陸の85%を手に入れた、皆彼が世界を統一することを信じていた。残念ながら、歴史と運命はいつも意外性に包まれる。カブリアは突然王の座を息子に譲った後、行方不明になった。その後、初めて月が二つ現れた日、大陸東の「暗月の森」に変化が発生し始めた、何らかの神秘な力で異世界の扉が開かれたみたい。それから、大陸のあちこちで見たこともない魔物が大量に現れた。フルグランド大陸に前代未聞の危機が迫ってきた。乱世が訪れ、人々が苦しんでいる時に、世界を救おうと剣を握った少年がいた。力はまだ弱いが、誰よりも強い意志を持っている少年に、仲間たちが集まってきた。フルグランド大陸を救おうとするヒーローになって、どんどん強くなる傭兵たちと「騎士団」を創り、魔物討伐の旅に出よう!▼最強の装備システムレア装備の属性は全部違う、全く同じ属性の装備は絶対ない!珍しいSSR装備が設計図で作られる、さらに、傭兵其々に専用武器まであり、組み合わせによっていくらでも強くなれる!▼キャラ育成システム全部で17名の個性溢れる傭兵が仲間になり、育成できる。其々違う属性と違うスキルを持ている傭兵たちがあなたと一緒に最強の騎士団を創る!▼超スピードの戦闘システム指を開放した超スピードの戦いでストレスまで発散できる!ガンガンタップして魔物を倒し、Bossに挑み、更なる高みへ到達する!▼気楽に遊べる放置ゲームゲームに時間をたくさん使う必要はない!ヒーローと傭兵たちはゲーム終了後も休まず戦い続ける。放置時間は最高12時間まで、再びゲームに登録すると、大量のコインと装備が手に入る!-----------------------------------公式Twitter のアカウント:@Tap_KnightsAnyone left system tapRPG that feel free to enjoy [the Knights] appeared!Even if you exit the game continue to fight knights? Coin isarbitrarily accumulate while sleeping!It can be operated with one finger, ultra-exhilarating action fullof sense of speed, let's quickly experience!-----------------------------------[Game introduction]▼ StoryFor thousands of years, without having to disappear desire ofhumanity, full Grand continent also did not come when the ceasewar. Countless king will unify the continent, I dreamed to take theworld. However, it the people that can be realized was less, amongthem, the king of most of the influential person is Seisasu empire,was Kaburia-Seisasu. He has expanded the forces in the war of a fewyears, got 85% of the full Grand continent, everyone believed thathe is to unify the world.Unfortunately, history and fate is always wrapped in surprise.Kaburia After ceded to suddenly son the seat of the king, it wasmissing. Then, for the first time the moon day that appeared two,changes in the "Forest of Kratky" of the continent east began tooccur, like the door of a different world has been opened in somemysterious force. Then, not even monsters that you have seen hereand there in the continent has been a large amount appeared. Theunprecedented crisis was looming in full ground continent.Troubled times visited, when you are suffering from is people,there was a boy who holds the sword trying to save the world. Forceis still weak, the boy to have a strong will than anyone, hisfriends have gathered. Become a hero for trying to save the fullGrand continent, more and more strongly become mercenaries andcreate a "Knights", get out on a journey of monsters subdue!▼ strongest of the equipment systemRare equipment attributes different all, it is completely equippedwith the same attribute Absolutely not! Unusual SSR equipment ismade in the design view, and further, there is up to a dedicatedweapon to mercenary 其 people, get plenty strongly by acombination!▼ character development systemPersonality full of mercenary a total of 17 people become a fellow,it can be nurturing.其 people different mercenaries who attributesand different are able to have the skills create the strongest ofthe Knights with you!▼ super speed combat systemPossible divergence to stress in the battle of the super-speedopening the finger! Defeat the monsters and pounding tap, challengethe Boss, to reach to further heights!▼ comfortably play left gameThere is no need to spend a lot of time in the game! Hero andmercenaries will continue to fight without rest even after the endof the game. Standing time is up to 12 hours, and again registeredin the game, equipped with a large amount of coins into thehands!-----------------------------------The official Twitter account: @Tap_Knights
迷失的瓦爾哈拉 1.0.4 APK
The Kumamoto
《迷失的瓦爾哈拉》是一款集換式卡牌遊戲,清新幻想風,童話、歷史、神話中英雄們一一登場!遊戲加入了一些RPG常見的系統,如裝備武器系統、技能系統,遊戲中的角色可以擁有相關武器和裝備,也可以提升相關技能,擁有單人模式和PVP模式。北歐史詩舞臺設定,讓你體驗諸神之戰的快感!酷炫精彩的戰鬥場景,精心優良的關卡設計都在等你來挑戰!背景故事:英靈戰士(Wanderer)是由主神奧丁受命於瓦爾基裡為備戰終將來臨的最終戰爭——諸神的黃昏——所招募的久經沙場的人類英雄。而ValhallaLost,就是英雄們的理想域度。他們以能夠在戰場中死亡為榮耀,甚至在瀕死之時使用武器自裁,只求能夠進入Valhalla,它是人類的英雄的最終歸宿,他們在這裡以提升戰鬥技巧作為娛樂,備戰黃昏之戰,守護已有的和平與安寧。當黃昏之戰失敗,世界將走向毀滅,Valhalla作為人類理想鄉也將會遺落,那時的人類將永遠生活於黑暗與恐懼之中,英雄的亡魂也將再也無法找到棲息之處,國度可能遺失,英靈們可能被世人遺忘。但這些英勇驍戰的英靈戰士,永遠是組成Valhalla傳說裡面那些勇敢、睿智、堅強、榮耀等無法磨滅的要素。遊戲特色:1、超過300張具有北歐神話特色的卡牌可以收集2、用你的智慧和策略組合不同類型的卡片去釋放炫麗的特色效果,3、加入了全新類型的卡牌和遊戲規則,如防具、結界、阻擋等等,讓你感受全新的CGG遊戲4、強大的PVP系統,可以為了放鬆休閒去進行酒吧戰,為了爭奪榮譽參加排位戰,與全球的玩家進行對抗5、遊戲畫面具有炫麗的特效,體驗真實的北歐神話之戰"Lost Waerhala" is asetof trading card games, fresh wind fantasy, fairy tales,history,mythology, heroes debut one! Some common RPG game systems,such asequipment, weapons systems, skill system, the game charactercanpossess weapons and related equipment, can also enhancetherelevant skills, with the single player mode and PVP mode.Nordicepic set the stage, let you experience the thrill of thebattle ofthe gods! Cool fight scenes exciting, well-excellent leveldesignare waiting for you to challenge!background story:Einherjar (Wanderer) was ordered by the Lord God Odin Valkyrieinpreparation for a final war will eventually come - Twilight oftheGods - recruited hardened human hero. The Valhalla Lost, isthedomain of the ideal heroes. They can die in battle for glory,evenwhen dying of the use of weapons to commit suicide, just to beableto enter Valhalla, it is the ultimate destination of humanheroes,they are here to enhance combat skills as an entertainment,eveningpreparing for war, the guardian the existing peace andtranquility.In the twilight of the war failed to destroy the world,Valhalla asa human Utopia will also be left behind, when humanswill liveforever in darkness and fear, heroic spirits will nolonger be ableto find at the habitat, and the kingdom may be lost,souls arelikely to be forgotten. But these heroic Xiao warEinherjar, thoseelements will always be brave, wise, strong, and soindelible glorycomposition Valhalla legend inside.Game Features:1, more than 300 have characteristics of Norse mythology cardscanbe collected2. Use your wits and strategy combination of different typesofcards to release features dazzling effect,3, adding a new type of card and the rules of the game, suchasarmor, enchantment, blocking, etc., so that you feel brand newCGGgame4, a powerful PVP system, you can relax in order to carry out abarfight, to compete for the honor to participate in qualifyingwar,confrontation with global players5, the game screen with dazzling special effects, to experiencerealwar of Norse mythology